Bernard Magrez, French Wine Producer of the Year 伯纳德·玛格列荣获2009年-年度法国葡萄酒生产商称号 本文资讯出自 网站 London. November 24th 2009: the tasting committee of the International Wine and Spirit Competition awarded Bernard Magrez the prestigious title of French Wine Producer of the Year. This distinction is just reward for the quality of our wines and the efforts made in our vineyards over the last few years in order to offer unique bottles to wine-lovers. 伦敦,2009年11月24日:国际葡萄酒烈酒大赛品酒委员会授予伯纳德·玛格列Bernard Magrez年度法国葡萄酒生产商的光荣称号。这一荣誉是对我们的葡萄酒的品质和这些年来我们的酒庄为天下爱酒者献上举世无双的珍品佳酿而付出的努力的最高奖赏。 